Sunday, March 1, 2009

Can I Find a Cure for Autism?

Parents of children who have just been diagnosed with Autism usually have a pretty difficult time adjusting to the diagnosis. There are so many questions and thoughts running through your head that it can be difficult to focus. You may even wonder whether or not you can find a cure for your child. If you’re asking yourself, ‘Can I find a cure for Autism,’ you should know that there is no specific cure. However, this should also not discourage you too much, as there are many wonderful treatments for this condition available. Let’s take a look at some of those treatments.

Prescription Medications

Your doctor will most likely let you know the most popular and common prescription medications for autism. Ask questions if you don’t understand – your doctor will not mind explaining what each type of medicine actually is and what affects it will have on your child. The prescriptions that are most commonly given to autistic children do not cure autism. They simply help your child deal with the symptoms of autism and to function more normally than he or she would be able to without the prescriptions. You should know that there are always concerns with side-effects or potentially dangerous reactions to these prescriptions.

Going Gluten Free –

Since many parents feel that their Autistic child has sensitivities to foods that may trigger more symptoms of the condition, many have gone to the diet in order to treat their children. Gluten is one of those foods that most often trigger Autistic symptoms, so this is also one of the most popular treatments. Taking gluten out of your child’s diet can be difficult – however, it can also be very helpful. Visit your local health food store to find gluten-free ingredients and snacks. You can also get some great recipes online and through your local library or book store. Know that you must try your child on the gluten-free diet for a few months in order to see a significant difference, so a few weeks with no results may not mean anything.

Different Forms of Therapy –

There are many different forms of therapy that you can employ to help your child reduce the symptoms of autism. For instance, autistic children typically respond well to sensory therapy – such as noise, textures and smells. This is a great way to calm your child and open them up to be more responsive. Music therapy is a great choice as well. Music has a very calming affect on children and can be a great aid in helping your child to learn behavioral and social skills that are necessary. Speak with your pediatrician about recommendations for different types of therapy.

Although your first thought may be, ‘can I find a cure for autism,’ you should know that there are many different choices and options when it comes to treatment. Although the options above are very popular, there are many more. You will want to do some research so that you’ll be fully prepared to help your child cope with his or her autism.

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