Monday, January 12, 2009

Common Autism Symptoms

Autism affects many children, and it is important to know the symptoms and signs of autism to be able to look out for it. Some are more significant than others, but it is important to know what and where to look for them to be able to seek medical attention when needed.

A poor use of body language can be a sign of autism. Lack of eye contact and body language are typically big signs that you want to look for.
If they show signs of just wanting to be alone and by themselves, this can also be a symptom that they have autism.

If they are not responding to verbal cues as if they were deaf but aren’t, this could be another symptom of autism. It is as if they would be rather left alone.

They also may not want to cuddle, and would rather be separated from others, it could be a sign.

A lack of imaginary play could be a major warning sign. Watch how a child plays with their toys to see if they use any kind of imagination with their toys and how they work.

A dislike to change is a big symptom of autism. Autistic children like the same routine in their schedule and frown upon any kind of change. Change can be upsetting to them.

Throwing tantrums and aggressive play are common symptoms and signs of autism.

Short attentions spans can be a warning sign of autism. They may not show an interest in a television show or toy for very long, and often seem bored with everything.

Varied eating or sleeping patterns could be another warning sign of autism. They may not sleep as much as normal, or even have a loss of appetite for awhile.

They may fear nothing. If they appear to have no fear in a dangerous situation, it could be a symptom of autism. Climbing to the tallest stairs when they are very little would show that they have no fear.

An autistic child may not want to show affection. They would be rather left alone to do their own thing.

These are just a few of the major warning signs of autism. If you are seeing some of these symptoms in your child, you will want to bring them into your local doctor to discuss the symptoms. They will from there be able to properly test and diagnose your child.

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